After Mass on Christmas Eve we take a dressed up photo. Then we enjoy dinner (this yearturkey). After dinner we sing happy birthday to Jesus. We jump into our pjs and open our presents to each other.a little silly

much better!

From the family Mia received a watch, an outfit for her American girl doll, and a utensil tool. She also received new ballet clothes earlier in the week.

Charlotte received some new books and a baby Jesus to start her manger scene. She loved opening presents this year. It was a good thing Henry was so little, she opened all his presents as well.

Ben received a headlight, utensil tool, Sonic toys, and a video camera. This was his big surprise. He loved it even though it is totally cheap. But it is perfect for his outdoor filming with friends and if he shows he can care for it we will upgrade it in the future.

Joe was last to open presents (he had some behavior problems all day). But he wait patiently, and received several look and find books, a headlight, a utensil tool, and Sonic toys.

Henry did not enjoy opening Christmas presents at all. He just wanted his evening supper.