CafeMom Tickers

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Playing Outside

Here are the two younger ones playing outside. The middle child got a basket and streamers from the Easter Bunny to encourage her to ride her bike. The youngest still isn't making any progress walking so I try to keep him in the walker as much as possible because it is so dirty on the driveway and the grass is still icky. The oldest will hopefully learn to ride his bike without training wheels this summer.

Handsome Boy!

Look at those incredible blue eyes! Isn't he the cutest!
I can't believe he will be 1 year old in a month.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter at Grandma's House

Well, this is our third post for Easter. Be sure to check out the other two. The kids enjoy a great brunch and then an Easter egg hunt. They ate tons of candy and still wanted more.

Easter Sunday Best

Easter Morning

What a wonderful morning! The kids enjoyed their Easter baskets and even the youngest found an egg on his first Easter. The oldest received sunglasses and the Bee Movie, the middle received a basket and streamers for her bike (an effort to encourage her to ride it more frequently), and the youngest got a Bear's hat and a book. It was a great first Easter for the youngest. He really enjoyed the marshmallow bunnies and the jelly beans. There will be more posts to come... Easter church clothes and Easter at Grandma's.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Decorating Easter Eggs

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bunny Cookies

First Time to the Movies

This was the middle one's first time at the movie theater. We saw Horton Hears a Who.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Circus Day!

This week was Circus week for school and we celebrated by having a Circus at our house. We had 16 kids and 3 babies and 4 moms. The kids purchased tickets and followed the circus train downstairs. The basement was decorated like a big top with lots of streamers and balloons. We were lions jumping through hoops and elephants walking with the help of giant cans. We went to clown school and learned how to juggle and pose like a clown. We played pin the nose on the clown, walked on a tight rope, tossed bean bags in a basket and did face painting. Then we enjoyed a popcorn snack follow by lunch of PB&J and Mac N' Cheese. And for dessert we had animal crackers, cupcakes, and circus peanuts. The kids had a great time.

Skating Party

The kids went skating for the first time at a birthday party. We were on the ice for over an hour. They have these great walkers that allow for fewer falls. The older one manage to have two pretty bad falls but then really took off. The younger one was a natural and loved every moment of it. They offer a discounted rate on Wednesdays for homeschoolers so we will take advantage of this in the future. The younger one also would like to take lessons.