CafeMom Tickers

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our Garden 2011

We decided to plant a flower garden under the swing set in the "sandbox". We haven't had sand in it for a number of years and each year more and more weeds take root. So, on Mother's Day Tom and the kids cleaned up the weeds and we added soil. We purchase the plants, graphed the plant height and planted accordingly. The kids helped with all the planting and have been watering it. It had been warm so we had been watering every day. Now, it is cold and raining so God is taking over that job. Hopefully, too many bees won't find our garden interesting since we still use the swing set.

Happy 4th Birthday, Joseph!

We celebrated Joe's birthday with his Illinois Papa, whose birthday is three days after his. He had a dinosaur train cake and received number of Toy Story Duplos.

Thursday, May 5, 2011
