CafeMom Tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009

Youtube Videos

I figured out how to add Youtube video to the blog without posting it on the side. If my music player is going, you can shut it off by pressing the pause button on the playlist on the right side. You can also click on the Youtube video and see it large at Youtube. These are the ballet videos from Christmas.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Silly Pictures of the Two Older Ones

Eating Yogurt

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas at Grandma and Papa's

There is also video on YouTube of them opening presents at Grandma and Papa's.

Christmas Morning

The oldest received from Santa a Slinky, glow-in-the-dark stars, a paper airplane book, a super hero sticker book, Operation game, and the Bat Cave.

The middle child received from Santa a Slinky, glow-in-the-dark stars, pots and pans, kitchen utensils, and a wooden kitchen.

The youngest received from Santa a Slinky, a Cars bean bag, power tools, and a cash register.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to the Children's Mass followed by dinner. Then we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and ate some birthday cake. We finished the evening by opening presents from one another. The oldest got an MP3 player. The middle child received a CD player with two microphones. The youngest got Cars slippers and refrigerator car magnets. Everyone was very excited and had a hard time going to sleep. Noise could still be heard at 10:30. But eventually everyone was quiet and Santa came.

Christmas Eve Breakfast

We joined some friends of ours for Christmas Eve Breakfast at the Stockholm Inn. I enjoyed some Swedish pancakes, the kids didn't care for them. There were 50 people total and over 30 kids. It was a good time and a great way to pass time until Daddy came home.