CafeMom Tickers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Crafts

We did a couple of crafts this Holy Week. This is the last supper. The kids colored the apostles and Jesus and placed them around the table.

And then after crucifying Jesus and placing him in the tomb...

He rose from the dead and here are Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the Mother of James as well as the guards and angels.

Easter 2011

We had a nice Easter this year. Here are pictures of the kids and their Easter baskets. Also, a pictures of them in their Easter outfits. Even on a cloudy Easter they squint for the camera.

Ben got Despicable Me and a Bounce-back Ball.

Amelia got Josefina and Addy.

Joe got a Map Game and a puzzle.

Charlotte (show here enjoying her first peep) got a book and chalk.


Little House on the Prairie

We went to Midway Village today. We had 21 homeschool kids. One of the moms watch Charlotte and other babies at her house. Our kids all dressed-up. I had a tinge of guilt because I had nothing but a bonnet for Mia to wear so I quickly made her a dress in 24 hours. It turned out pretty good at this rate I should be able to knock off several wardrobes for her. The weather mostly cooperated. It was a little cold and misty but it could have been worse. Although it would have been nice to picnic outside. We visit a general store, a print shop, a black smith, a schoolhouse, a police station, and we had a square dance.

All the kids

At the general store...

Mia watching the lady telling us about food.

The kids at school working on their handwriting on their slates.

My kids in jail...

Here is Ben helping to make rope.

Here they are square (circle) dancing in the barn.